Friday, January 27, 2012

Guilty pleasures

Let's be honest, we've all got 'em. Those little things in life that just make us go "ahhhhhhhhh". Those refreshing things that we fall blindly loyal to and others just don't seem to understand. It's these little things that we turn to during those times when we've had a genuinely crummy day and we just need something that'll perk us up a bit.

I have many, many of these. A few that I'm willing to admit to are British humour (along with spelling things as if I were British), and basic cable television shows. Oh the joy that these low budget shows bring into my life. I love them despite the often shoddy acting, incongruous writing, and often strange cinematics. I love them all the same. One of these loves that I have developed is Psych, and the reason that I love it is because while it is a basic cable show, it does not have the flaws I listed above. The acting is wonderfully refreshing, the writing is witty, quick, and genuinely drawing, and the cinematography adds onto the unique and quirky feel of the show. This show is truly spot on, and it is easily one of my favorite comedies on television and-- I would venture to say-- one of the best written comedies on television.

Now, to satisfy this strange need to low-budget entertainment, I often must go by word of mouth. I'll check Sundance for independent films to enjoy, and general recommendations for television that I can get a fix from. But recently I stumbled upon one all on my own that I have come to love very quickly. As I was searching through Hulu for some television shows, I got an advertisement detailing a British show about a lame, clumsy, and all around awkward man who becomes a spy. I was instantly intrigued and went to go watch the Pilot episode. Upon doing so, I've fallen madly in love with the show. The acting is truly hilarious, the characters are solid-- my favorite is the super-genius, smart mouthed 9 year old that knows more than his Dad does-- and it contains some truly memorable moments. The best part about it? It's all on Hulu. All 6 episodes of this show are free to watch, any time you want. And while the first season was only six episodes, season two will return come fall, and I can hope that it will return with more than 6 episodes. If you're interested, and have 3 hours to kill, go on and watch the first season here: . I can almost guarantee that you won't regret it.

Now, speaking of returning for season 2, I am counting the days until February 12th. (3 more weeks come Sunday). Why you may ask? It's simple, really. Just a little show called THE WALKING DEAD. Oh my goodness. This show has had me captive since day numero uno. And now, a year later, I can't wait for the return. They did that truly obnoxious thing that cable shows tend to do where they start a season, then halfway through take a 2 month break, just to pick it up again. It's a budget thing, and I get it. But I hate it. I really do. But anyway, I can't wait. This show, while it is great for a nasty zombie killing and gruesome fights, has some spectacular acting during the "human" parts of it. It's an interesting look into humanity in a world of inhumanity, and really makes the audience member question "what if". And the best part is that the characters are all unique. They all respond to this horrific situation in different ways, and I love it. They each have their own unique identities, struggles, personas, hopes, dreams, and emotions. And as the show has progressed, each person's identity has come forth more and more, developing them into unique people and now pulling them in polar directions. The show's done a wonderful job, and I look forward to the 12th, and the subsequent 6 Sundays that follow.

So, if you all need me, I'll be in front of a television, enjoying my obscure shows and laughing at jokes many find stupid.

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