Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hi, I'm Tommy, and I sell pest control

I'm not James Franco. I do NOT love jobs. I don't like working, and I especially don't like walking around in the freezing cold 'til I lose the ability to feel my fingers and toes. That is not my idea of a "pleasant experience". In fact, quite the opposite is true. Especially when in the course of that I mostly get to hear the phrase "No thank you" or "I'm not interested" or, the best yet, "now's not a good time." Half the time these are said with such disdain that I feel as though I've literally worsened the person's day knocking on their door. It's a discouraging and genuinely miserable experience. I hate feeling unproductive, and over the course of doing this job that's practically all that I've felt.
And who wants to think about pests when it's 30 degrees out? No bugs are out yet. Not even the bugs want to be outside, so why am I? I feel as though I'm genuinely wasting my time when I'm working. I've sold so little, and I'm just continuing to have doors closed with no success.
I'm sorry that this isn't the happiest post. I wish my second post was a bit happier, funnier, or perhaps wittier. I'll post another one that's a little better, I promise. I feel better having ranted.

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