Thursday, March 29, 2012


I'm not really a hobby person. I find that when I'm alone and have time on my hands I typically find myself numbing my mind by playing video games or watching television, but more often then not it's video games. I find them not only a great source of entertainment, but the fact that they're more interactive and mentally engaging than the tele is,and I like playing with friends too.
However, since I got to college I've taken up hobbies, namely juggling and learning the ukulele. I've been moderately successful at both, considering how much time I've devoted to them. But whenever I play video games or watch TV, and then come back and find my ukulele staring sadly at me, I feel bad. I feel like I'm wasting too much of my time. And perhaps I probably am, but I just hit the bell of the learning curve of stuff and then tend to stop because it's no longer fun. If you're reading this, you probably know that I LOVE fun things. I love to laugh, smile, and make others do the same. When I'm getting frustrated with something, I tend to just push it aside, because it no longer brings me joy. That's why I hate learning a musical instrument, because it's SO frustrating sometimes to do something over and over and over until you get it right once, and then you put it down, feeling accomplished. But the next time you pick it up, it feels like you're starting from scratch. It's frustrating, and when it gets to that point I just tend to give up. My brain isn't wired to do frustrating things, for whatever reason. And the same thing happens with juggling.
I think that's why I like writing. If you get frustrated with it, you can leave it. Let it ferment, let it grow and expand and calcify while it sits. It doesn't ever move backwards, unless you lose it somehow. But 99% of the time, you're gonna find it in tact, just the way you left it. Even if it's years later, you can come back to an idea and know what you're doing with it even though you had no idea at the time of its abandonment. But I haven't been doing much writing lately because I tend to have these ideas I think will be good but they just don't seem to pan out.
After an hour long break to play online games and solitaire I forget where this is going. And since I was probably just gonna ramble for another paragraph or two I'll just go ahead and leave it there. I think you get the gist. Hobbies are good but frustrating, and my brain doesn't like confrontation, not even with inanimate objects. So I avoid confrontation through videogames, where I can pretend I'm not a coward. Boom. Summary complete.

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