Monday, June 11, 2012

Physical quirks

I was reading a blog today from a man whose left eye is completely blind. He went on to explain, in full medical (and, admittedly, humourous) detail, what had happened to his eye. He wrote a series of four different blog posts about his different medical problems etc*. I found it extremely interesting, and thought that I would explain my big deformity physically, my smile.

Now some people will say that they don't notice that my smile is crooked, but flip through any of my pictures (seriously, don't, finding a picture of me in my own albums is like playing Where's Waldo in the red and white shirt factory) on Facebook. The entire left side of my smile is EXTREMELY crooked. It barely turns up, and doesn't expand outwards.

The reason for this is simple: a golf club; a putter to be exact. When I was no older than six years old (I know this because when I was six we moved from this house to a larger one in order to make room for my youngest sister, Sarah) I was playing out front with a neighborhood friend of mine. Funny, I can't recall his name. I just remember that he was black-- sadly I can identify his house in relationship to mine because in our cul-de-sac of six houses there was only one African American family. I know he was a little bit older than me, probably only 8 or 9 though. Anyway, when I was younger I thought golf was pretty cool. Not something I loved (like now), but back then I thought it was neat. When we went to my grandpa's house, we did mini putting contests inside with a metal giblet that recieved the ball from all angles and trapped it in. I loved this especially because my grandpa would give me a dollar if I could out putt him. It was always rigged though, because somehow I always got that dollar whether my shots were further away or not.

So one day at the ripe old age of 6, I decided to practice with this friend whose name escapes me. I brought out a comparable contraption to what my grandpa had, and grabbed a putter. As any good host does, I allowed my friend to go first. However, I noticed him holding my putter incorrectly. So, without thinking I went up behind him to help correct the grip. Right then, without knowing that you don't do this putting, he reared the putter back in a full arc. The two pounds of mixed metals collided with the left side of my face and sent me on my butt, crying instantly. He dropped the club and, as any 9 year old does when he accidentally does something wrong, ran home to tell his Mom, leaving my on my front yard, for my Mom to come out and see what was the matter. She checked my out and assured me that I wasn't bleeding, and that I would be fine. But alas, I wouldn't.

As time went on, I developed a dimple from where the club had hit me. It wasn't too deep or too noticable, but it was there and it was cute on my 5 foot frame. My smile was still straight though, because I wasn't doing much growing. However, when I started growing at around 12 I began to notice that my smile was becoming less and less straight. The left side wasn't extending as far as the right side, and the dimple was becoming deeper and deeper.

What happened is that somehow being hit in the face with that putter had damaged/killed much of the muscle in that side of my face. I have very little control of that side because the muscles didn't grow with the rest of my body, because most of them were now dead. It now extends up towards my eye too, that's why in most pictures while I try to smile I partially close my left eye. Which I absolutely love because it makes me look like I have a lazy eye. But in the morning I check and so far my eyes still track properly.

So, woe is me, I am left with a crooked smile and an eye that likes to trick people into thinking it's lazy. That's why I don't like taking pictures. I feel as though my smile is strange and I hate having to take them over and over. That's why usually I try to make a funny face, or I won't show my teeth (somehow I think it looks better like that.)

Anyway, that's the story of my physical deformity. For my next one I'll talk about the Wii accident that resulted in a permanent, thick scar on the back of my hand. 'Til next time!

*I did a great job summarizing it I know, but if you're interested in reading a really funny blog/series of posts, then check this guy out.

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